Top Cops and their hangers-on
“I now stand before you as the TOP COP in the biggest state in the nation” — AG Kamala Harris
You certainly seem to be a self-proclaimed expert on “mediocre white m[e]n” and would also seem to have some experience in having a “privilege[d] life with the confidence of a mediocre white man.” Mr. Ken Meyer.
You’re adept at name calling and making assertions without any factual basis. Your reliance on Solis is telling. As previously discussed, Solis is a political opportunist, bitter from her own personal electoral losses. You seemingly weren’t even aware of that.
Solis’ defense of Harris is a one-sided screed that is light on facts and dodges many of the most egregious things Harris did in office. She doesn’t touch on why Harris didn’t appoint special prosecutors in police shootings, an issue that currently has anti-racist activists in the streets. TOP COP Kamala Harris had her fellow cops’ backs:
Solis doesn’t address Harris running as a tough-on-crime prosecutor, or how Harris’ own campaign literature boasted that Harris massively expanded the carceral state by setting record convictions.
Solis also doesn’t discuss how California’s TOP COP Kamala oversaw the incarceration of at least 127,000 Black and Hispanic Californians. Her staggering conviction rates were accompanied by massive disparities in sentencing for BIPOC, POC, and the poor. 23.6% of the new incarcerees that Harris put in cages were black despite blacks only comprising 6.5% of California’s population. Disproportionate is putting it mildly. Harris massively increased the carceral state at the expense of the most marginalized, and you and Solis are defending that?
Solis also conveniently left out Harris’ failure to fulfill her obligations to disclose exculpatory evidence, and to seek remedies for wrongful convictions under The State Bar of California (CalBar) California Rules of Professional Conduct (CRPC) Rule 3.8 Special Responsibilities of a Prosecutor (see Rules 3.8(d) and 3.8(g)). Harris and her office were found to be grossly violating constitutional rights.
I write extensively on Harris, and since I represent the people she attacked, I might not be giving her enough credit for the handful of good programs that Solis only focusses on. This piece balances the bad with the good.
#BlackLivesMatter, and we need to seriously reckon with the role police play in upholding what Professor bell hooks terms “white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.” Prosecutors especially need to be highly scrutinized, as attorney and woman of color Briahna Gray does here:
As the distinguished Professor Keeanga-Yamattha Taylor says:
“…if ascending to public office necessitates adapting to the prevailing political wisdom, even when it is harmful to those you claim to represent, then what is the point?”
You were seemingly unaware that that the right-wing cop you’re so breathlessly defending needed multiple attempts to pass the bar exam. You’d do well to educate yourself on your problematic favorite’s actual record.
While it did take Harris multiple attempts to pass the bar, at least she didn’t cheat and plagiarize in law school like the other bad cop on the Democratic Party ticket—namely Joe Biden.
I have so many receipts on Harris that I could write a book. However, I have to get to work, so I’ll leave you with this this. What kind of cop mocks the idea of “more schools less jails” other than a right-wing cop bent on filling the prison pipeline? Kamala Harris is a COP. 👮♀️ #KHIAC