Speaking truth to Joe Biden’s power

Robert D Skeels rdsathene
5 min readApr 9, 2020


Original twitter thread here.

A few of the reasons why I’ll never vote for Joe Biden. Let’s just say he’s been doing evil my entire life. That’s over five decades of evil!

When I was 1, cheating Joe Biden plagiarized in law school. Even as a cheat, he still graduated bottom of the barrel.

When I was 3, draft dodger Joe Biden had already received the same number of deferments as Dick Cheney.

When I was 10, anti-busing bigot Joe Biden had accumulated a long record of anti-busing votes and a reputation for advocating de facto segregation.

When I was 15, segregationist Joe Biden openly supported and voted for Jesse Helms’ The Helms-Collins Amendment.

When I was 19, racist Joe Biden referred to the honorable Reverend Jesse Jackson as “Boy”.

When I was 22, lying Joe Biden was caught plagiarizing Neil Kinnock’s speeches.

When I was 26, misogynist Joe Biden, Senate Judiciary Committee Chair, blocked witness from corroborating Anita Faye Hill’s testimony, and allowed GOP troglodytes to smear her.

When I was 26, neoliberal imperialist Joe Biden voted for NAFTA, which crushed workers on every side.

When I was 28, rapist Joe Biden sexually assaulted Senate staffer Alexandra Tara Reade.

When I was 30, authoritarian Joe Biden introduced the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act to the Senate, laying the groundwork for the vile Patriot Act that would follow.

hen I was 31, classist Joe Biden voted for the vicious Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, doing irreparable harm to the poor.


When I was 36, unhinged war-hawk Joe Biden strongly supported the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

When I was 37, bloodthirsty warmonger Joe Biden was a leading proponent for the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq.

When I was 40, corporate lackey Joe Biden slipped a provision into the BAPCPA Bankruptcy Act to prevent the discharging of student loans.

When I was 41, nativist Joe Biden supported and voted for the Secure Fence Act, a precursor to bigot Donald Trump’s wall.

When I was 42, racist Joe Biden called Senator Obama an “African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”

When I was 49, serial abuser Joe Biden inappropriately touched Nevada assemblywoman Lucy Flores without her consent.

When I was 50, bloodthirsty warmonger Joe Biden was part of an administration that deliberately bombed a civilian MSF clinic in Kunduz.

When I was 51, I wrote about nativist Joe Biden and how the administration he was part of deported 2.2-million+ of my migrant sisters and brothers.

When I was 52, neoliberal Joe Biden supported the anti-worker, anti-environmental Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

When I was 54, Joe Biden’s long, abject career of doing evil prompted me to make the following declaration:

#NeverTrump #NeverBiden #JoeBiden #NoMoreRapistPresidents #MeToo #BelieveWomen #IBelieveTaraReade



Robert D Skeels rdsathene
Robert D Skeels rdsathene

Written by Robert D Skeels rdsathene

Social liberation writer, attorney, public education advocate, immigrant rights activist, and law professor. USN ESWS ‘85, UCLA BA ’14, PCL JD ’18 💛🐻💙ゆるゆり 友

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