Nick Melvoin and his Speak UP astroturf NPIC fight to preserve white supremacy and ableism

Robert D Skeels rdsathene
2 min readJun 12, 2021


Carl J. Petersen’s latest on Nick Melvoin’s right-wing school privatization organization is an important resource that should be shared widely:

Melvoin and his surrogates fighting to preserve white supremacy is nothing new, and Petersen, a parent of children with disabilities, has also written about Melvoin’s ableist attacks on special education.

Melvoin frequently lies about the status of students with disabilities (“SWD”) in relation to the corporate charter school industry. He has an established record of playing fast and loose with the truth and has real difficulty with avoiding conduct bordering on moral turpitude.

Returning to Melvoin’s lies about SWD and charter corporations. I wrote a brief twitter thread about that recently.

To be clear, the reason I constantly come across these kinds of cases when doing legal research is that I’m constantly representing students and their families against charter school corporations that violate their civil rights. Melvoin and his right-wing Speak Up surrogates should be considered harmful to all children and to children with disabilities in particular.



Robert D Skeels rdsathene

Social liberation writer, attorney, public education advocate, immigrant rights activist, and law professor. USN ESWS ‘85, UCLA BA ’14, PCL JD ’18 💛🐻💙ゆるゆり 友